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Die Ringe passen perfekt. Sehr dehnbar, lassen sich leicht anlegen. Nur ein kleiner Fehler stört mich : Ich habe einen roten und zwei schwarze, aber leider gibts keinen goldenen.
Without a doubt absolutely amazing anal lube - the best i have tried (when both giving and receiving) - i have tried many different brands and types but this is far superior to any others on the market (and my partner agrees too!!); it has a really thick hand cream type quality to it and admittedly u need to use more product but that's just with the initial application; slap it on/up in there and away u go - the sensation when using LETS FUCK is something else; i won't now use anything else; well worth the money considering just how good it is
Simpler to use than rope since there are no knots to tie so you can get to your scene quicker. Restrain your boy to a pole or just wrap them around his body and place him on the bed sleepsack style. These make for a perfect travel restraint set since they’re lighter and less bulky than a sleepsack and their simple belt design won’t raise any eyebrows as you’re passing through security.
OMG...these are the BEST!! Before getting these I used the supple nips...which were very nice but these are amazing! I put them on and start with 1/2 inch of my nipple sucked in...then give another twist after a few minutes...then another twist or two or three! I love to edge and my nipples do the trick. After about 15 minutes they are soooo sensitive! I can almost orgasm from touching them...but I won't...have to keep the edge! ;)
Also, ich bin Neuling auf dem Gebiet Elektrosex, aber was das dieses Gel bringt ... ist der Wahnsinn. Bin hin und weg! Wollte mein Reizstromgerät schon entsorgen, aber dieses Gel bringst! 5 Sterne für MEO!!!!!
I regulary make video on youtube and Instagram (Msieurjeremy) to preventing . I have receive it to make a pop's videos and it's very good quality metal . The only things it's i found the 2 tubes, maybe too tight / thin , but it's easy to use, and more safe .
Ich verwende dieses spezielle Gleitmittel und es erledigt seine Aufgabe immer sehr gut. Sowohl solo als auch zu zweit. Das Geld klebt nicht wie die Produkte anderer Hersteller und es sorgt für den Extra-Kick beim Fick.
Il lubrificante anale ALPHAMALE e' adatto agli uomini e alle loro trasgressioni anali. Grazie alla sua particolare formula particolarente viscosa e che non si asciuga facilmente e' ottimo per il sesso anale, anche prolungato nel tempo.
Ich liebe diesen FUCK&PLAYSLING ! Schönes Leider, weich gepolstert und im Nacken schützt eine Polsterung vor dem Einschneiden. Die einfache aber geniale Konstruktion sorgt für ein superschnelles Anlegen. Die Länge ist individuell verstellbar und so für nahezu jeden Träger/jede Trägerin geeignet. Dazu noch der günstige Preis: Absolut empfehlenswert!