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Die E-Stim-Gerte von Dr. Sado kombiniert das Beste aus beiden Welten: den scharfen Schlag eines klassischen Instruments und den elektrisierenden Reiz der Elektrostimulation. Was dieses Toy jedoch wirklich außergewöhnlich macht, vor allem im BDSM-Kontext? Lasst es mich euch verraten! Zusätzlich zu dem Schmerz und Vergnügen, den eine herkömmliche Reitgerte oder Peitsche verursacht, bringt die Elektrostimulation ein kribbelndes und intensiveres Gefühl ins Spiel. Diese Kombination schafft ein Feuerwerk an Empfindungen, das euch den Atem rauben wird. Mein Top hat die volle Kontrolle darüber, wann die Elektrostimulation zum Einsatz kommt. Diese Extra-Portion Spannung und Vorfreude macht das Erlebnis noch aufregender. Mit der einstellbaren Intensität kann mein Top die Stärke der elektrischen Impulse variieren und somit meine Empfindungen perfekt steuern. Egal, ob ihr Streicheleinheiten oder harte Schläge bevorzugt – diese Sadomaso-Gerte bietet unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten für verschiedene Szenarien.
As a passionate and devoted submissive, I had the exhilarating opportunity to explore the limits of pleasure and pain with Dr. Sado's Estim Baton. This BDSM masterpiece seduced my senses and empowered my master to take control in ways I had never experienced before.
The Estim Baton is not your average BDSM toy; it is a game-changer that revolutionizes the dynamics of power play, combining the electrifying sensations of electrostimulation with the impactful pleasures of impact play. It transcends boundaries, allowing for intense sensations and unparalleled control, making it a must-have for those seeking profound and exhilarating experiences.
During my session, the Estim Baton delivered a mesmerizing range of sensations that left me breathless and wanting more. From tantalizing tingles that awakened every inch of my skin to electrifying shocks that sent waves of pleasure through my body, this device unleashed a symphony of sensations that pushed the boundaries of pleasure and devotion.
The Estim Baton's unique 360-degree electrostimulation capabilities allowed my master to elicit sensations from any point along the rod, except the handle. This flexibility allowed him to explore my vulnerability and heighten my anticipation, giving him an exquisite level of control that deepened our connection.
The precision stimulation provided by the two round metal circles at the top created a playground for pleasure. My master skillfully targeted my erogenous zones, creating an exquisite fusion of pain and pleasure that sent me into a frenzy of desire. With two levels of intensity to choose from, I could surrender to gentle tingles or complete surrender to powerful electric shocks, depending on the mood of our dynamic.
In conclusion, my encounter with Dr. Sado's Estim Baton was nothing short of breathtaking. It pushed boundaries, ignited my desires, and allowed me to surrender completely. If you're a power play enthusiast who yearns to explore deep sensations and relinquish control, the Estim Baton is an essential addition to your BDSM repertoire. Prepare for a journey into the realms of pleasure and deep submission where boundaries dissolve and new frontiers of pleasure await.
Die hochwertig verarbeiteten Klemmen für die Elektrostimulation sind mit einer Feder ausgestattet, die einen festen Griff garantiert, egal ob sie die Klemmen an Brustwarzen, Schamlippen, Hoden oder anderen Körperstellen anbringen möchten. Mittels einer Stellschraube lässt sich die Druckintensität der Klemmen regulieren. Da jede der Klemmen bi-polar ist, wird immer nur das Gewebe stimuliert, das exakt zwischen den beiden Hälften liegt, so ist auch die Stimulation beider Brustwarzen gleichzeitig gefahrlos möglich.
Dr. Sado pistola stordente è uno strumento di tortura, un dispositivo elettrico che riuscirà a tenere al massimo della dominazione il vostro sottomesso. Questo dispositivo d'urto elettrico è un modo subdolo per mantenere il vostro sottomesso in linea! La Dr. Sado pistola stordente è stato progettato per gli appassionati di elettro shock e dei giochi sadici e masochisti. E' uno strumento elettrico a batteria potente che riesce a incuriosire sia i principianti che i giocatori più esperti allo stesso modo. Afferrare il manico confortevole durante la vostra passione del gioco si prepara per un zap! Questo dispositivo eroga una scossa intensa che è sicuro di correggere i tuoi amanti comportamento cattivo. La lama sensuale elegante è perfetto per prendere in giro il vostro sub prima di erogare lo shock! Un pulsante di facile utilizzo permette di controllare la lunghezza e la frequenza degli shock, mentre l'impugnatura e la lama sono sicuri al tocco.